5 Key Event Planning Trends to Expect in 2024

5 Key Event Planning Trends to Expect in 2024 - MailingInfoUSA

It will bring about a lot of big changes and improvements in the business of planning events. Event planners need to stay on top of new trends so that their events are fun and memorable for everyone who attends. This means staying up to date on the growing number of hybrid events and how they use current technology. This blog post will help you understand the five most important event-planning trends that will help the hotel industry grow in 2024. The event planning business was worth $7.3 billion around the world in 2019, and it’s expected to grow to $14 billion by 2024.

A lot of people want business, education, fashion, and other events to be well-planned and sophisticated. There are many business possibilities, such as event planning, especially since the hospitality industry is growing quickly in big cities. However, there are problems, such as limited funds, high client demands, managing many vendors, and keeping up with changes in technology. So, marketers and businesses can take advantage of these chances to reach out to businesses and help them deal with these problems by coming up with new goods and services.

What is the Event Planning Industry?

Many different kinds of events are planned, organized, and carried out by people who work in the event planning business. These include conferences, trade shows, weddings, corporate events, and social gatherings. After talking to customers to find out what they want and need, event planners take care of all the practical parts of the event, like choosing a location, coordinating vendors, making a schedule, coming up with creative event designs, and watching over the event on the day it happens.

To plan an event, you need to be creative, able to solve problems, able to speak, able to stay organized, and able to pay close attention to details. Planners of events need to know a lot about the event business and the newest tools and trends when they come out.

5 Event Planning Trends to Watch Out for in 2024

  • 1. Hybrid Events

It will be 2024 before the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, but there will still be a lot of virtual and mixed events. Mixed events are the best of both worlds because they have both real and virtual parts. People who want to attend but can’t can still do so online, but people who can make it in person will have a more complete experience. As technology improves, it gets easier to plan and carry out hybrid events. This lets event planners contact more people and give them more options.

Having hybrid events is a good way to interact with the crowd in both real and virtual ways. Mixed events can reach more people and keep them interested by using both physical and digital aspects. The most recent Adobe event was its yearly summit on hybrid formats. Adobe changed its events so that people could take part in them both in person and online. With this method, they were able to interact with a big group of people in person.

It also helped with making connections, sharing information, and getting the word out about the brand. On top of that, combination events help other companies grow. For example, companies that sell AV equipment, virtual event platforms, food, cooking, home decor, and a lot more can use these events to show off their goods and services, which helps them make business connections and form relationships within the system.

  • 2. Personalization is the Key

As people go to more events, personalization is becoming more and more important. This is because people are being flooded with information and choices. Data and analytics are tools that event planners must use to learn more about their guests and make sure they have a unique experience. There are a lot of different ways to personalize things, from making suggestions and plans to making swag bags and other items. Event managers can make the experience more interesting and memorable for attendees by taking into account their wants and needs.

Personalization is the most important thing when planning an event. Customizing the experiences to what the attendees want leads to more engagement and happiness. It also lets the people planning the event make sure that each member has a unique experience. This makes it more likely that people will want to hire you. Lastly, personalization makes the link between the people who are attending and the event planners, brands, or businesses stronger. This makes the brand more valuable and increases brand loyalty.

Personalization can be seen in the way that Spotify makes playlists for music events. Spotify uses a lot of data to make sure that festival goers get mixes that are just right for them based on the music they like. For example, food vendors can use the information to offer special deals based on the artists or singers that guests like, which can lead to more sales and business chances. Overall, personalizing event planning makes experiences more lasting and makes it easier for businesses to work together, which leads to growth and success for everyone.

  • 3. Sustainability

Sustainability is going to be a big trend in 2024 because climate change is becoming a bigger problem. Eco-friendly actions, like using green energy sources, cutting down on waste, and picking long-lasting materials for decorations and signs, must be a top priority for event planners. People are also caring more about the environment and looking for events that share their ideals. Event planners can lower their carbon footprint and get a more engaged and committed crowd by putting sustainability first.

Sustainability in the hotel industry is good for people who care about the environment and helps businesses save money and keep their operations running smoothly. Hospitality companies can stop nature from being exploited and attract eco-friendly customers by using sustainable practices like saving water and energy, reducing waste, and buying goods made locally. Also, attempts to be more sustainable often save money, energy, and materials.

The Green Meeting Industry Council (GMIC) encourages event planning businesses to use environmentally friendly methods. Managers and organizers of the event can help cut down on waste and carbon emissions and support local businesses and communities by following their rules and laws. It also encourages partnerships with small businesses, suppliers, and vendors who offer eco-friendly goods and services for events. By showing interest in sustainability, event planners and organizers can also find eco-friendly clients and business partners, which can lead to more business possibilities.

  • 4. Technology Plays a Vital Role

Technology has been an important part of planning events for a long time, and that will not change in 2024. Event planners need to know about the newest tech trends, like virtual and augmented reality, AI, and machine learning, so they can give guests experiences that are fun and immersive. Mobile apps, real-time feedback, smart badges, and face recognition are all examples of interactive technology that can help with event planning and keep people interested.

The way companies in this field hold events has changed because of technology. Software platforms and apps like event management, project management, and social media platforms have made it possible to do complicated tasks like booking venues, managing budgets, registering participants, and advertising. These tools have sped up processes, made the customer experience better, and increased sales and partnerships. These technologies make it easier for businesses, clients, and event planning teams to talk to each other and work together. This leads to smoother processes and happier customers.

For instance, Eventbrite is a website where you can buy tickets and organize events. It makes it easy for event managers and planners to quickly make, market, and sell event tickets and entry passes. Its easy-to-use design, a wide range of marketing tools, and ability to connect to other platforms have made it easier for event organizers and planners to reach more people and sell more tickets. Eventbrite also uses data analytics and insights to make future events better and work with partners and donors more effectively.

  • 5. Measure and Safety

Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, safety has become more important when planning events, and this will likely continue in 2024. To make sure that attendees are safe and healthy, event planners will have to take extra steps, such as stricter rules for cleaning and social distancing, as well as vaccination standards and health screenings. Event planners need to find a balance between safety and engagement because safety worries can also affect how many people show up and how much fun they have overall.

To run an event management business well, you should also include some safety steps, such as

  1. Accidents and property loss are less likely to happen if you have the right insurance, like liability insurance.
  2. Following the right health and safety rules will help keep the space safe for clients and guests.
  3. By looking at the right risk assessments and putting together emergency action plans, accidents and damage that happen during the events can be kept to a minimum.

Including safety steps in your services protects your guests and makes them feel better. By putting safety first and earning clients’ trust, event planners can show their guests that they are professional and care about their safety. A safe and secure environment also makes for a good experience, which can lead to happy customers and possible suggestions.

Taking strict steps to control crowds at big events, festivals, and concerts, for example, can help event planning businesses do better. With well-organized lines, enough exits, and clear emergency plans, the event managers and organizers can make sure that all guests and attendees have a safe and enjoyable time. This will improve their reputation and bring them more business opportunities in the future.


To sum up, these five major event planning trends are about to undergo big changes that will bring about more new ideas and modifications in 2024. Planners of events can give guests fun and memorable experiences that are tailored to their needs and tastes if they keep up with new trends and try to incorporate them into their events. The key to event planning success will be to change and adapt to meet the changing needs of customers and guests, whether that’s through hybrid events, personalization, sustainability, technology, or safety. This will lead to a higher event ROI.

As you know, businesses that deal with event planning and hospitality need key trends to make things easier, help them grow, make customers happier, and bring in more customers for business possibilities. To reach that goal, businesses must work together. It might be hard for enterprises to find and get in touch with event management companies to advertise their goods and services. In this case, MailingInfoUSA’s verified and highly responsive event planner email list comes in handy. Marketers can connect with possible customers through a variety of channels when they use these databases to work with event management companies that want to follow all of the above trends to help their businesses grow.