5 Ideas for Using Customer Journey in Healthcare Campaigns

Leveraging Customer Journey Marketing In Healthcare Email Campaigns - MailingInfoUSA

Email campaigns are an important tool for engaging and converting prospects in today’s competitive healthcare industry. To maximize the effectiveness of these campaigns, healthcare providers need to understand the customer journey and use it for marketing to tailor their emails to the needs and interests of their target segments. This article will discuss five such ideas for using customer journeys in healthcare marketing to measure and optimize performance.

Understanding a health practitioner’s journey is crucial for companies to customize their outreach. It ensures personalized communication, addressing specific needs at different stages of their professional experience. By mapping this journey, businesses can deliver relevant information, showcase value through success stories, and engage practitioners effectively. This customer-centric approach builds trust, making it more likely for health practitioners to connect with and adopt products and services aligned with their evolving needs and interests.

What is a customer journey?

A customer journey refers to the progression of interactions a healthcare professional has with a product or service provider. Understanding this journey helps healthcare businesses tailor their strategies, offer targeted information, build trust, and address specific needs at each stage to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.

There are four stages of a customer journey, which typically include:

  1. Awareness Stage: A buyer identifies a need.
  2. Consideration Stage: A buyer researches potential solutions.
  3. Evaluation Stage: This stage entails comparing options, leading to the purchase decision.
  4. Post-purchase Stage: Involves ongoing support and engagement after the purchase.

5 Strategies to Map the Customer Journey to Optimize Promotions

  • 1. Understanding buyer’s needs and goals

The first step in leveraging the customer journey in healthcare email campaigns is understanding patients’ needs and goals. By knowing your buyer’s needs and goals, you can enhance relevance and engagement. According to a study by HubSpot, personalized emails improve click-through rates by 14% and conversion rates by 10%. Tailoring content to address specific healthcare concerns fosters trust and increases the likelihood of conversions.

For instance, a medical equipment company can customize emails based on a hospital’s needs, showcasing relevant products and solutions. By aligning with buyers’ goals, companies not only boost the effectiveness of their campaigns but also contribute to a more targeted and efficient healthcare industry.

  • 2. Segmentation based on specialization

Understand the diverse needs and preferences of medical specialists by segmenting your email list based on their specific areas of expertise. For example, an email campaign targeting oncologists should focus on products and services relevant to oncology. This personalized approach increases the relevance of your communication, making it more likely to capture their attention and interest.

According to Salesforce, 52% of consumers are likely to switch brands if a company doesn’t personalize communications. For instance, a pharmaceutical company can customize its marketing for different medical specialties, addressing unique pain points. This not only enhances product relevance but also increases engagement. Segmenting your email list can be very challenging and time-consuming. That’s why MailingInfoUSA provides you with a highly responsive and segmented medical mailing list for an effective email marketing strategy.

  • 3. Educational Content at Different Stages

By mapping out the customer journey, including awareness, consideration, and decision stages. You can customize your email content accordingly. Provide educational materials and resources in the awareness stage to inform medical specialists about industry trends, emerging technologies, and best practices. As they move through the journey, transition to more product-specific information, showcasing how your offerings meet their unique needs.

Sending educational content at different stages is crucial for companies to engage practitioners and procurement officers. Through informative blogs or webinars, in-depth whitepapers and case studies, targeted product demos, or expert interviews to attract, build credibility, and seal the deal, respectively. According to the Content Marketing Institute, 68% of healthcare marketers believe that providing service demos and interviews with key thought leaders increases brand visibility. For instance, Medtronic, which is a medical device company in Dublin, Ireland, educates healthcare professionals through webinars and online courses, establishing thought leadership. This strategic approach builds trust and positions the company as a valuable resource, guiding medical specialists through the sales funnel effectively.

  • 4. Highlight Success Stories and Case Studies:

Incorporate success stories and case studies in your email campaigns to build credibility and demonstrate the value of your products and services. Share testimonials from other medical specialists who have benefited from your offerings. The key decision-makers in the medical sector are very astute when it comes to purchasing products or looking for any kind of service to enhance their hospital’s practice.

Also, highlighting success stories and case studies in the healthcare industry enhances brand value and credibility among practitioners. According to a 2021 survey, 87% of healthcare professionals consider real-world examples influential in decision-making. Sharing positive outcomes and tangible results from using a healthcare product or service fosters trust. For instance, when Johnson & Johnson showcased the impact of their medical devices in reducing surgical complications, it led to a 30% increase in trust among surgeons. These narratives humanize the brand, making it relatable and trustworthy, ultimately strengthening the company’s position in the healthcare market.

  • 5. Utilize automation for timely follow-ups:

Implement marketing automation to send timely and relevant follow-up emails based on the actions medical specialists take. For instance, if they open an email but don’t click on any links, send a follow-up with additional information. If they download a resource, follow up with a personalized email offering further assistance. Automation ensures that your communication remains timely, targeted, and responsive to the specific interactions of medical specialists with your emails.

According to a Salesforce report, 79% of marketing leads never convert without timely follow-up. By implementing automation, healthcare companies can achieve a 10% increase in revenue and a 12% reduction in marketing overhead. For instance, a leading pharmaceutical company utilized automated workflows to track physicians’ engagement, resulting in a 15% boost in lead conversion rates. Proactive, personalized follow-ups in the customer journey foster relationships, leading to increased trust and collaboration within the healthcare industry.


To the end, this blog article shows five ideas for using the customer journey in healthcare campaigns to engage and convert prospects. Healthcare providers can use customer segmentation and targeting to identify their target segments, understand their customer’s needs and goals, send educational content at different stages, highlight success stories and case studies, and use automation for timely follow-ups. With these strategies, companies can create effective email campaigns that increase engagement and drive conversions.

To tailor and deliver your marketing materials to specific audiences effectively, it’s crucial to have access to our healthcare email list. This list provides comprehensive contact details for various professionals, including hospitals, physicians, doctors, nurses, surgeons, dentists, and more. Our offering includes a meticulously verified and segmented database, enabling precise targeting for your campaigns. With stringent data security and compliance measures in place, our mailing list ensures that your advertising messages reach potential clients without being flagged as spam or blocked. By resonating with their preferences, you can significantly enhance your marketing metrics and improve your return on investment (ROI).